Maximum upload file size: 3MB. File types allowed: jpg, jpeg, gif only.

Click the above 'Browse' button to select a photo.
  1. Only upload a photograph of yourself
  2. Photos of children, celebrities, pets, or illustrated cartoon characters will not be approved
  3. Photos containing nudity, gore, or hateful themes are not permissible and may lead to the cancellation of your account
  4. Photos of your passport, ID, or photos containing any personal information such as your address, passport number, or contact details are not permissible for your own security.

Delete Guidelines


What's your educational background?
Let employers know more about your education; remember, be clear and concise.
February 2010

Bachelor's degree, علوم الارض والبيئة

at الجامعة الهاشمية
Location : Jordan
Grade: 2.55 out of 4
اقوم باعطاء دروس خصوصية للطلاب من الصف الاول الى العاشر في المواد التالية : الاغة الانجليزية والعلوم العامة وعلوم الارض ةالرياضيا ( واللغة العربية للصفوف من الاول الى الخامس )
عندي القدرة على العمل على الحاسوب بجميع برامجه

Specialties & Skills

استخدام الحاسوب بمهارة

Earth Science

Life Sciences



Do you speak more than one language?
For some jobs, fluency in one or more foreign languages is a plus, so add your language skills to get better results.



Training and Certifications

من الجامعة الهاشمية ( Certificate )

Issued in: May 2009 Valid Until: - June 2009

Hobbies and Interests

Share your hobbies and interests so employers can know more about you.
Help employers know more about you by looking at your hobbies and interests

اهتم بالكتابه والقراءة ولي ميول في استخدام الالوان والاوراق الملونة ودمج الاشياء مع بعضها

زادت مهارتي في الكتابة في فترة الجامعة كما انني التقيت بعدد من الادباء واخذت من تجاربهم .
